Java开源的HTML 解析器,jsoup 1.8.2 发布
jsoup 1.8.2 发布,此版本提升了 Android,HTML 解析,HTML 生成,查询等方面的性能。同时添加了文件上传,W3C DOM 互操作等功能,还有其他的改进和 bug 修复。
jsoup 是一款 Java 的HTML 解析器,可直接解析某个URL地址、HTML文本内容。它提供了一套非常省力的API,可通过DOM,CSS以及类似于JQuery的操作方法来取出和操作数据。
Bug 修复
jsoup 是一款 Java 的HTML 解析器,可直接解析某个URL地址、HTML文本内容。它提供了一套非常省力的API,可通过DOM,CSS以及类似于JQuery的操作方法来取出和操作数据。
- 从一个URL,文件或字符串中解析HTML;
- 使用DOM或CSS选择器来查找、取出数据;
- 可操作HTML元素、属性、文本;
- 提升 Android 解析 HTML 的性能
- 提升 Android HTML 序列化的性能
- 加快 Andorid 上字符集编码速度
- 提升 Andorid 上 selector 类的性能
- 支持文件上传
- Add a meta-charset element to documents when setting the character set
- Added ability to disable TLS (SSL) certificate validation
- Added ability to further tweak the canned Cleaner Whitelists by removing existing settings.
- Added option in Cleaner Whitelist to allow linking to in-page anchors (#)
- Use a lowercase doctype tag for HTML5 documents.
- Add support for 201 Created with redirect, and other status codes
- Added support for HTTP method verbs PUT, DELETE, and PATCH.
- Added support for overriding the default POST character of UTF-8 in Connection.
- W3C DOM support: added ability to convert from a jsoup document to a W3C document
- In the HtmlToPlainText example program, added the ability to filter using a CSS selector
- Improved the equals() and hashcode() methods in Node
- Improved performance in Selector when searching multiple roots.
Bug 修复
- Fixed validation of cookie names in HttpConnection cookie methods.
- Fixed an issue where option tags would be missed when preparing a form for submission if missing a selected attribute.
- Fixed an issue where submitting a form would incorrectly include radio and checkbox values without the checked attribute.
- Fixed an issue where Element.classNames() would return a set containing an empty class; and may have extraneous whitespace.
- Fixed an issue where attributes selected by value were not correctly space normalized.
- In head+noscript elements, treat content as character data, instead of jumping out of head parsing.
- Fixed performance issue when parsing HTML with elements with many children that need re-parenting.
- Fixed an issue where a server returning an unsupport character set response would cause a runtime
- UnsupportedCharsetException, instead of falling back to the default UTF-8 charset.
- Fixed an issue where Jsoup.Connection would throw an IO Exception when reading a page with zero content-length.
- jsoup 的详细介绍:请点这里
- jsoup 的下载地址:请点这里
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